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Town Crier

Susan M. Rooney

"Town Crier" is a collage of photographs from the Rochester Business Journal's collection, past and present. The horse was a great canvas to display thousands of scanned photos for people to see themselves, friends or business associates.

I am very grateful for a tall foyer to work on the 10' rearing horse. Thankfully it just fit in the door! Although it was necessary to send "Hugs & Smooches", from CowParade NYC off to her new home before I could start "Town Crier".

I was amazed at the number of photos it took to cover the surface. RBJ had to keep digging for more photos for me to use. It was a challenge to wrap photos around the curves of the 3-D surface and cover every last centimeter.

The original horse had black and white photos at the base graduating up to duotones and then to full color prints. While at Frontier Field "Town Crier" has transformed into the color of money! We now are in the process of making repairs.

It was great to see the wonderful, creative photography of Rochester Business Journals successful portrayal of Rochester's business history.